Create Now Partnership

We are Ordinary People who Expect Nothing more out of life than to freely live our dreams, follow our passions and help others. We strive to positively impact our communities by embracing novel and diverse experiences, providing us with the freedom to explore and discover what makes us passionate.

Founded in 2012 by Ken Marshall during his time as a student at High Point University, open.’s humble roots started in the clothing industry as a boutique t-shirt company. Over the past year, Ken and the open. team have been busy transforming the company into a nonprofit organization. This transformation was completed when the company obtained 501©3 status, thus allocating future revenue for charitable efforts, causes and projects.

While the switch in business profile may have been an external change, the real work began when open. partnered with Create Now—a small, but nimble nonprofit that has been working with underprivileged youth in Los Angeles since 1994. Founded by Jill Gurr, Create Now has benefited more than 43,000 kids through arts-based programs and workshops.

The open. foundation is built on the pillars of the Arts, Education, and Exploration, aligning perfectly with the goals and ambitions that Create Now has exemplified for more than fourteen years.

The first effort of the newly partnered nonprofits: bringing forty inner city children to a Los Angeles FC professional soccer match and letting them get on the field pre-game in front of a sold-out crowd—a truly unforgettable experience.

The partnership continued this past August when open. agreed to be a sponsor at Create Now’s 21st annual Power of the Arts Festival. As a sponsor, open. hosted an ice cream truck catered by local ice cream vendor, Gourmeletas. While the chocolate-dipped bananas may have been the main attraction, open.’s booth received a steady flow of visitors by allowing the kids to create their own personal custom t-shirt designs. Raffle tickets were awarded to those who designed a t-shirt, earning the chance to win a backpack stuffed with school supplies. The event was a major success for both open. and Create Now.

The mission is far from over. The opportunity for change is an exciting proposition. Live Open. Be Open. Stay Open.

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